#!pip install ANNarchy
Miconi network
Reward-modulated recurrent network based on:
Miconi T. (2017). Biologically plausible learning in recurrent neural networks reproduces neural dynamics observed during cognitive tasks. eLife 6:e20899. doi:10.7554/eLife.20899
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import ANNarchy as ann
ann.clear()=1.0) ann.setup(dt
ANNarchy 4.8 (4.8.2) on darwin (posix).
Each neuron in the reservoir follows the following equations:
\tau \frac{dx(t)}{dt} + x(t) = \sum_\text{input} W^\text{IN} \, r^\text{IN}(t) + \sum_\text{rec} W^\text{REC} \, r(t) + \xi(t)
r(t) = \tanh(x(t))
where \xi(t) is a random perturbation at 3 Hz, with an amplitude randomly sampled between -A and +A.
We additionally keep track of the mean firing rate with a sliding average:
\tilde{x}(t) = \alpha \, \tilde{x}(t) + (1 - \alpha) \, x(t)
The three first neurons keep a constant rate throughout learning (1 or -1) to provide some bias to the other neurons.
= ann.Neuron(
neuron = """
parameters tau = 30.0 : population # Time constant
constant = 0.0 # The four first neurons have constant rates
alpha = 0.05 : population # To compute the sliding mean
f = 3.0 : population # Frequency of the perturbation
A = 16. : population # Perturbation amplitude. dt*A/tau should be 0.5...
equations # Perturbation
perturbation = if Uniform(0.0, 1.0) < f/1000.: 1.0 else: 0.0
noise = if perturbation > 0.5: A * Uniform(-1.0, 1.0) else: 0.0
# ODE for x
x += dt*(sum(in) + sum(exc) - x + noise)/tau
# Output r
rprev = r # store r at previous time step
r = if constant == 0.0: tanh(x) else: tanh(constant)
# Sliding mean
delta_x = x - x_mean
x_mean = alpha * x_mean + (1 - alpha) * x
The learning rule is defined by a trace e_{i, j}(t) for each synapse i \rightarrow j incremented at each time step with:
e_{i, j}(t) = e_{i, j}(t-1) + (r_i (t) \, x_j(t))^3
At the end T of a trial, the reward R is delivered and all weights are updated using:
\Delta w_{i, j} = \eta \, e_{i, j}(T) \, |R_\text{mean}| \, (R - R_\text{mean})
where R_\text{mean} is the mean reward for the task. Here the reward is defined as the opposite of the prediction error.
All traces are then reset to 0 for the next trial. Weight changes are clamped between -0.0003 and 0.0003.
As ANNarchy applies the synaptic equations at each time step, we need to introduce a boolean learning_phase
which performs trace integration when 0, weight update when 1.
= ann.Synapse(
synapse ="""
parameters eta = 0.5 : projection # Learning rate
learning_phase = 0.0 : projection # Flag to allow learning only at the end of a trial
reward = 0.0 : projection # Reward received
mean_reward = 0.0 : projection # Mean Reward received
max_weight_change = 0.0003 : projection # Clip the weight changes
equations # Trace
trace += if learning_phase < 0.5:
power(pre.rprev * (post.delta_x), 3)
# Weight update only at the end of the trial
delta_w = if learning_phase > 0.5:
eta * trace * fabs(mean_reward) * (reward - mean_reward)
0.0 : min=-max_weight_change, max=max_weight_change
w += delta_w
We model the DNMS task of Miconi. The RC network has two inputs A and B. The reservoir has 200 neurons, 3 of which having constant rates to serve as biases for the other neurons.
# Input population
= ann.Population(2, ann.Neuron(parameters="r=0.0"))
# Recurrent population
= 200
N = ann.Population(N, neuron)
# Biases
0].constant = 1.0
pop[1].constant = 1.0
pop[2].constant = -1.0 pop[
Input weights are uniformly distributed between -1 and 1.
The recurrent weights are normally distributed, with a coupling strength of g=1.5 (edge of chaos). In the original paper, the projection is fully connected (but self-connections are avoided). Using a sparse (0.1) connectivity matrix leads to similar results and is much faster.
# Input weights
= ann.Projection(inp, pop, 'in')
Wi =ann.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0))
# Recurrent weights
= 1.5
g = 0.1
= ann.Projection(pop, pop, 'exc', synapse)
Wrec if sparseness == 1.0:
=ann.Normal(0., g/np.sqrt(N)))
=sparseness, weights=ann.Normal(0., g/np.sqrt(sparseness*N))) Wrec.connect_fixed_probability(probability
compile() ann.
Compiling ... OK
The output of the reservoir is chosen to be the neuron of index 100.
We record the rates inside the reservoir:
= ann.Monitor(pop, ['r'], start=False) m
Parameters defining the task:
# Durations
= 200
d_stim = 200
d_delay= 200 d_response
Definition of a DNMS trial (AA, AB, BA, BB):
def dnms_trial(trial_number, input, target, R_mean, record=False, perturbation=True):
# Switch off perturbations if needed
if not perturbation:
= pop.A
old_A = 0.0
# Reinitialize network
= ann.Uniform(-0.1, 0.1).get_values(N)
pop.x = np.tanh(pop.x)
pop.r 0].r = np.tanh(1.0)
pop[1].r = np.tanh(1.0)
pop[2].r = np.tanh(-1.0)
if record: m.resume()
# First input
input[0]].r = 1.0
# Delay
= 0.0
# Second input
input[1]].r = 1.0
# Delay
= 0.0
# Response
if not record: m.resume()
= 0.0
# Read the output
m.pause()= m.get('r')
# Response is over the last 200 ms
= recordings[-int(d_response):, OUTPUT_NEURON] # neuron 100 over the last 200 ms
# Compute the reward as the opposite of the absolute error
= - np.mean(np.abs(target - output))
# The first 25 trial do not learn, to let R_mean get realistic values
if trial_number > 25:
# Apply the learning rule
= 1.0
Wrec.learning_phase = reward
Wrec.reward = R_mean
# Learn for one step
# Reset the traces
= 0.0
Wrec.learning_phase = 0.0
Wrec.trace #_ = m.get() # to flush the recording of the last step
# Switch back on perturbations if needed
if not perturbation:
= old_A
return recordings, reward
Let’s visualize the activity of the output neuron during the first four trials.
# Perform the four different trials successively
= dnms_trial(0, [0, 0], -0.98, 0.0, record=True)
initialAA, errorAA = dnms_trial(0, [0, 1], +0.98, 0.0, record=True)
initialAB, errorAB = dnms_trial(0, [1, 0], +0.98, 0.0, record=True)
initialBA, errorBA = dnms_trial(0, [1, 1], -0.98, 0.0, record=True)
initialBB, errorBB
=(12, 10))
plt.figure(figsize= plt.subplot(221)
ax.plot(initialAA[:, OUTPUT_NEURON])-1., 1.))
ax.set_ylim(('Output AA -1')
ax.set_title(= plt.subplot(222)
ax.plot(initialBA[:, OUTPUT_NEURON])-1., 1.))
ax.set_ylim(('Output BA +1')
ax.set_title(= plt.subplot(223)
ax.plot(initialAB[:, OUTPUT_NEURON])-1., 1.))
ax.set_ylim(('Output AB +1')
ax.set_title(= plt.subplot(224)
ax.plot(initialBB[:, OUTPUT_NEURON])-1., 1.))
ax.set_ylim(('Output BB -1')
ax.set_title( plt.show()
We can now run the simulation for 1500 trials. Beware, this can take 15 to 20 minutes.
# Compute the mean reward per trial
= - np.ones((2, 2))
R_mean = 0.75
# Many trials of each type
= []
for trial in (t := tqdm(range(10000))):
# Perform the four different trials successively
= dnms_trial(trial, [0, 0], -0.98, R_mean[0, 0])
_, rewardAA
= dnms_trial(trial, [0, 1], +0.98, R_mean[0, 1])
_, rewardAB
= dnms_trial(trial, [1, 0], +0.98, R_mean[1, 0])
_, rewardBA
= dnms_trial(trial, [1, 1], -0.98, R_mean[1, 1])
_, rewardBB
# Reward
= np.array([[rewardAA, rewardBA], [rewardBA, rewardBB]])
# Update mean reward
= alpha * R_mean + (1.- alpha) * reward
t.set_description(f'AA: {R_mean[0, 0]:.2f} AB: {R_mean[0, 1]:.2f} BA: {R_mean[1, 0]:.2f} BB: {R_mean[1, 1]:.2f}'
AA: -0.07 AB: -0.02 BA: -0.02 BB: -0.04: 100%|██████████| 10000/10000 [14:47<00:00, 11.27it/s]
= np.array(record_rewards)
=(10, 6))
plt.figure(figsize0, 0], label='AA')
plt.plot(record_rewards[:, 0, 1], label='AB')
plt.plot(record_rewards[:, 1, 0], label='BA')
plt.plot(record_rewards[:, 1, 1], label='BB')
plt.plot(record_rewards[:, =(1,2)), label='mean')
plt.xlabel("Mean reward")
plt.legend() plt.show()
# Perform the four different trials without perturbation for testing
= dnms_trial(0, [0, 0], -0.98, 0.0, record=True, perturbation=False)
recordsAA, errorAA = dnms_trial(0, [0, 1], +0.98, 0.0, record=True, perturbation=False)
recordsAB, errorAB = dnms_trial(0, [1, 0], +0.98, 0.0, record=True, perturbation=False)
recordsBA, errorBA = dnms_trial(0, [1, 1], -0.98, 0.0, record=True, perturbation=False)
recordsBB, errorBB
=(12, 10))
plt.plot(initialAA[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label='after')
plt.plot(recordsAA[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label
plt.legend()-1., 1.))
plt.ylim(('Trial AA : t=-1')
plt.plot(initialBA[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label='after')
plt.plot(recordsBA[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label-1., 1.))
plt.ylim(('Trial BA : t=+1')
plt.plot(initialAB[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label='after')
plt.plot(recordsAB[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label-1., 1.))
plt.ylim(('Trial AB : t=+1')
plt.plot(initialBB[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label='after')
plt.plot(recordsBB[:, OUTPUT_NEURON], label-1., 1.))
plt.ylim(('Trial BB : t=-1')
plt.title( plt.show()